Music Works

Recent works

"Stalk" from "R.F.D.2" 2005/2/15 original mp3 (56kbps/2.0MB) new
An original tune from "R.F.D.2". Tunes in this album were composed by sash and his friends for a drive. And it is also a feature that the greater parts were performed by themselves.
"Cryo-figure" from "NANIKURA" 2004/9/13 original mp3 (128kbps/1.6MB)
An original music from THCD-0001 "g.a.m.e. m.u.s.i.c.". It's composed for a game named "NANIKURA".
"OLHA ~ RELEASE OF THE FAR WEST OCEAN" from "Ys VI" 2004/9/3 arrange mp3 (128kbps/3.1MB)
I've not release the new music on web in these days. So I upload the new music which will be included in my next CD. THCD-0001 Falcom Collection "Ys vs The Legend of Heroes" contains this, but I remixed it for study. So I release this new version. I play guitar in live, and others but some sound effects are recorded with Roland RS-70. The mix was done on Cubase SL 2. I record all MIDI channels into audio channels individually, and mix with some effectors.
"Phylliida - Mother planet -" from "GRANDIS 2" 2003/4/21 original mp3 (VBR/589kB)
I re-arrange this tune for collecting sound patches. It is not especially favorite but easy to arrange. This arrange use PCM sounds against previous one which use SCC sounds.
"Mediacreate" from "AKIBA HotLoveInception" 2003/4/21 original mp3 (VBR/568kB)
An etude for an environment. I test using PCM sounds on this system. But ... source data were lost with disk crash. A low rate sampled Piano patch sounds E.Piano doesn't it? ;P
"Phylliida - Mother planet -" from "GRANDIS 2" 2003/4/21 original mp3 (VBR/663kB)
An etude for an environment. I choice this tune from GRANDIS 2. But later, disk crash erase all data but this mp3. An synth sampling is a sound of Prophet 5. This sound is erased too...
"monsoon night" 2002/1/17 original SMF (GS)
A collaboration with my friend "Torebie". The data is old and poor itself. But I like this music and arrangement.
"Effecting Blue Chelenkov" from "ThunderBird V" 2002/1/13 original mp3 (64kbps/807kB)
Original music. The title is a parody of "Rising Blue Lightening":P and tune is also like that.
"SA.KI.YU.KU.MO.NO" from "ThunderBird V" 2002/1/10 original SMF (SC88Pro)
mp3 (128kbps/2.1MB)
It's my original. This is composed for a shooting game 'ThunderBird V' which is made as an exhibit of school festival by club-mates, and used as BOSS BGM. (OMAKE)
"Theme of Mai" from "Close To - INORI NO OKA -" 2001/9/2 copy SMF (SC88Pro)
A simple copy of "Theme of Mai". This is my first work with SSW, as an etude:)
"un petit reveur" from "AKIBA HotLoveInception" 2002/1/29 original mp3 (128kbps/1.5MB)
From "AHL". The theme of "エ邇セ".
"An old promise..." from "AKIBA HotLoveInception" 2002/1/29 original mp3 (128kbps/1.9MB)
A music box arranged small tune from "AHL".
"Mediacreate" from "AKIBA HotLoveInception" 2002/1/29 original SMF (SC88Pro)
mp3 (128kbps/1.7MB)
My original music from a coterie game "AHL". By the way, all music of "AHL" was created with Z-MUSIC compat. environment on BeOS:)
"Fragmental Courage" from "AKIBA HotLoveInception" 2001/6/17 original SMF (SC88Pro)
mp3 (128kbps/2.1MB)
This is also from "AHL". It's my most favorite in "AHL".
"The Theme of AKIHABARA" from "AKIBA HotLoveInception" 2001/6/17 original SMF (SC88Pro)
Ending theme of "AHL". This song is affected by NAKATANI Miki's debut song "mind circus", which was produced by SAKAMOTO Ryuichi. Yes, I'm a SAKAMOTO freak!!
"Doomsday" from "GRANDIS 2" 2001/8/10 original mp3 (64kbps/808kB)
This music is written for "GRANDIS 2" which is released by Cherry Coke Recodes as one of virtual game-music series. The theme of this CD was Nemesis 2. This is for openning demo.
"Resolution'" from "GRANDIS 2" 2001/8/10 original mp3 (64kbps/1016kB)
This music is written for same CD, too. This is the theme of air battle.
"Phylliida - Mother planet -" from "GRANDIS 2" 2001/8/10 original mp3 (64kbps/688kB)
This is too. This is for stage 2. By the way, musics of this CD is created with T'Sound System. This system emulate PSG, SCC, and so on. The gap of musical interval is also reproduced:)
"Das Gaukelbild" from "The end of century, Dracula Legend" 2000/12/30 original mp3 (64kbps/1.7MB)
This music is written for "The end of century, Dracula Legend" which is released by Cherry Coke Recodes as one of virtual game-music series. The theme of this music CD was Castlevania.

Old Works

"X MULTIPLY" collection 1996/7/25 copy RCP (GS)
Sound collection from X MULTIPLY, irem's shooting game. It includes "XMULTIPLY", "INTO THE HUMAN BODY", "ILLEGAL ILLUSION", and "BODY SCRATCHERS".
"Sensation" from "Salamander 2" 1996/10/12 copy SMF (SC55)
A famous tune, which can compare with "Dear Blue" from KONAMI's nice shooting game, Salamander 2. This music is the theme of 1st stage (of 1st round:P).

Much more old works

Much more old works is not here. If you want to check, plz visit my old site.

$Id: index.html,v 1.24 2005/02/15 14:33:26 toyoshim Exp $